About Edverson
Our factory located in Seberang Prai Selatan, Malaysia. We have everything it takes to deliver quality. A team of experienced, skilled and professional technicians work alongside a series of automation machines and machine systems to produce plastic wares with superior quality.
Our experts with more than 20 years of experience in plastic injection moulding will always provide you with the best services, quality and price.
永昇贸易有限公司于1989年开始投入生产家居塑料产品, 是一间设备完善的制造厂.
厂房坐落于马来西亚槟城威南区. 我们拥有20多年经营注塑的经验与一批专业兼具丰富经验的技术人才, 多年来致力追求高素质产品. 在自动化与先进的系统和生产线上, 所制造出来的产品更多样化, 品质更精益求精.
公司坚持开拓创新, 规模经营, 品牌经营并举. 经过多年的勤恳努力, 在市场上拥有良好的信誉. 我们也拥有一批专业与服务周到的销售伙伴与强大的销售网络和物流配送体系, 为我们的客户提供最佳的产品服务, 合理价格及最好品质.